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SET SMS Spoofing Attack Vector | Backtrack 5 | Tutorial

Mobile communication is now everywhere, mobile hacking is seems to be difficult and a normal user, student and ethical hacker usually don't go towards the mobile hacking field. Mobile hacking is so general word and it contains hacking attack from physical layer to application layer of OSI model. Spoofing attack is not a new attack and you must have heard about IP spoofing, DNS spoofing and SMS spoofing. 

In spoofing attack an attacker make himself a source or desire address. 

What Is SMS Spoofing?

Short message service (SMS) is now available on mobile phones, I, You and everyone using SMS for the communication. SMS spoofing means to set who the message appears to come from by replacing the originating mobile number (Sender ID) with alphanumeric text/ another number. (Wikipedia).
I will discuss most of the theorical aspect here like how to perform SMS spoofing? How SMS spoofing work? And so many question.

SMS Spoofing Tutorial

Social engineering toolkit contain a SMS spoofing attack vector that can used to perform SMS spoofing. Requirement for tutorial:
  • Operating system (Backtrack 5 for this tutorial)
  • SET (Social engineering toolkit)
So I will use backtrack 5 to perform SMS spoofing however you can use Ubuntu, Gnacktrack, Backbox and other Linux or other OS.
  • On the SET menu select number 7 that is SMS spoofing attack vector.
  • On the second step “1. Perform a SMS Spoofing Attack”
  • On the third choose what you want to do a Mass SMS spoofing or a single in this case I select 1.
  • On the fourth you need to enter the number of the receiver, make sure to enter with country code.
  • On the next step 1. Pre-Defined Template
  • On this step you need to choose the templates (choose what you want)
  • If you have a android emulator that wonderful but you can use some paid services. So its up to you select and than send your message.


  1. how to use android emulator..i have insatalled emulator on backtrack.but i want to know how to use this for sms spoofing via SET??


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