[HOW-TO] Install & Use ADB tool | Android Debug Bridge | Drivers
FIRST: You need drivers, you should have them already if you are rooted eather with Indirect or Cfoesch methods.
If you don't have them then download Drivers+adb.zip [There is NO need to install SDK on Windows]
SECOND: In order to use "adb remount" you need to install [App]: ADB Root Hijack [ADB Runs as Root now] by Indirect
*All the examples refers to /data/app path you can change to /system/app or any other path you need in your NOOK tablet
- Plug your Nook tablet to your computer
- Open a CMD terminal on Windows: Start>>run>> type cmd>> click OK (WinXP)
Start>> in search box type cmd>> right click Run as Administrator (Win7)
- Once opened type:
There is an uninstall adb commans that always shows failure!!!
So we are going to use Adb Shell:
If you want to PULL all the files located in a folder then:
FIRST: You need drivers, you should have them already if you are rooted eather with Indirect or Cfoesch methods.
If you don't have them then download Drivers+adb.zip [There is NO need to install SDK on Windows]
SECOND: In order to use "adb remount" you need to install [App]: ADB Root Hijack [ADB Runs as Root now] by Indirect
*All the examples refers to /data/app path you can change to /system/app or any other path you need in your NOOK tablet
- Plug your Nook tablet to your computer
- Open a CMD terminal on Windows: Start>>run>> type cmd>> click OK (WinXP)
Start>> in search box type cmd>> right click Run as Administrator (Win7)
- Once opened type:
*Let's say your adb tools are in C:\nookroot folder
cd C:\nookroot
adb devices (If you get a code of numbers and letter means your device is recognized, if not then something is wrong with your drivers > Troubleshoot)
adb remount (to change from r/o to r/w)
Commands to Fix Permissions: (There is no need of this, when you push files it gives right permissions)
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/appname.apk (for a specific application)
adb shell chmod 644 /data/app/appname.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk (for all the applications)
adb shell chmod 644 /data/app/*.apk
Commands to Change Owner to Root:
adb shell chown root /system/app/appname.apk
Installing an Aplication .apk
Put the .apk file into C:\nookroot folder and type
Put the .apk file into C:\nookroot folder and type
adb install appname.apk
Uninstalling an Aplication
There is an uninstall adb commans that always shows failure!!!
So we are going to use Adb Shell:
adb shell
# cd data/app
# ls
# rm -r appname.apk
# ls (You will not find this application, you just removed it!)
Ctrl+c to exit shell mode
Push & Pull commands
adb pull /data/app/appname.apk
If you want to PULL all the files located in a folder then:
adb pull /data/app test
to pull all the .apk's located /data/app and save them into a folder that it will create in C:\nookroot named test
adb push appname.apk /data/app
If you want to PUSH all the files located in a folder then:
adb push test /data/app
to push all the .apk's located in C:\nookroot\test folder to /data/app
Close ADB
Close ADB
adb reboot (to reboot your Nook Tablet)
adb kill-server (to stop adb server)
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